Accounting and financial services marketing


Today’s accounting and financial services firms face a host of challenges. Many are fighting commoditization and intense pressure to lower prices. Mergers and acquisitions are transforming the competitive field. And automation and new business models lurk menacingly at the market’s periphery. Then there are the usual suspects — growing the firm, recruiting talent and setting the firm apart. How can firms adapt?

Fortunately, Hinge has real, practical answers.

Read Accounting Marketing

Beyond relationship marketing

What’s your marketing strategy? If it consists of face-to-face networking, sponsorships and a syndicated newsletter, your firm’s not well positioned to compete in a modern marketplace. The way people find and vet firms is changing, and you need a marketing program that will build visibility at every touchpoint, online and offline.

Accounting & Finance callout


Did you know that a high percentage of referrals today come from people you’ve never met? In fact, 52% of those referrals will rule out a CPA firm without ever meeting you. Clearly, classic relationship marketing is only a small part of the story. Today, many people are learning about firms online and using online tools to narrow their choices — and in many cases you’ll never know it. Are you making the cut?

At Hinge, we equip you with the ideal set of online and traditional tools to attract and persuade your audiences everywhere they are looking.

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The only evidence-based marketing firm for CPA and financial services firms

Are you an accounting or finance firm that wants to attract more clients, partners or talented employees? At Hinge, we’ve helped scores of local, regional and national firms build stronger brands and adopt the marketing techniques that research has shown work best in your industry.

Grounded in a decade of research

Leading booksWe base our advice on research into 16,000+ professional services firms and their buyers, including more than 4,500 in accounting and financial services. We pay particular attention to a subset of firms that grow over 20% year after year — to uncover exactly which strategies, tools and techniques deliver the greatest impact. These high performers are also twice as profitable on average than no-growth firms. Only Hinge clients receive the benefit of our entire body of research.

We make recruiting easier

We hear it again and again from our accounting and finance clients: “How do we attract and retain top talent?” Hinge can address this challenge from multiple angles — from creating a recruiting-friendly brand to building a careers platform on your website to rolling out a powerful internal program that brings your entire team, even across multiple offices, into alignment.

Video case study: Cherry Bekaert

How we help our clients

Research, positioning, branding, website, video, advertising, collateral

Positioning, conference branding, division branding, website consulting, speechwriting

Research, positioning, branding, collateral design

A wide spectrum of firms seek out our expertise

We’ve worked with firms of all sizes, from the Big 4 and top-25 firms to specialized boutique practices.

Accounting & Finance client logos

Accounting & Finance client logos

4 turnkey programs to help you grow

The Visible Firm®


more referrals, leads, revenues and profits

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The Visible Expert®


Become a star in your industry

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Command your market’s attention

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High Performance Website


Make your website a growth engine

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Á la carte services to fill any specific need.

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Case Story


How Hinge helped a splintered brand come together under a unified website.

Read the Story

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