The Visible Expert® Course



Who It’s For
Subject matter experts, marketers, principals and business developers at professional services firms of all sizes.

Course Overview
In every industry, a few individuals rise to become thought leaders in their fields—a process that typically requires years of sustained effort.

In this course, you’ll learn, step-by-step, how to turn an expert into a high-profile industry star—and how to do it much faster than average. Based on interviews with over 150 Visible Experts, research into thousands of buyers of their services, and years of working with professional services executives, this course lays down exactly what it takes to achieve individual prominence in the professional services marketplace.

You’ll learn what factors, characteristics, tools and techniques drive visibility. Raising your visibility isn’t as hard as it seems, and it has nothing to do with intelligence level. This course gives you the tools and plan you need to begin your ascent.



Meet the Instructor

Liz Harr

A former technology firm CEO, Liz has been both a buyer and seller of professional services. A partner at Hinge and leader of its Technology and Consulting practices, she speaks and writes frequently on firm growth.


What You’ll Learn

  • How Visible Experts earn up to 13X more than their peers
  • The real impact of Visible Experts on their firm’s brand—and vice versa
  • How to identify and assess Visible Experts by exploring their skills, strengths, weaknesses, and visibility
  • How to position and promote your visible expertise credentials in the marketplace
  • How to identify the most compelling topics to write and speak about—and where you should share these ideas
  • How to fast-track your program and rise through the Visible Expert ranks 5X faster than average
  • How to measure your results, and adapt your strategy



Watch a sample segment:




Class 1: Benchmarking Yourself

The Benefits of a Visible Expert
The Importance of Benchmarking
Six Key Areas to Benchmark Yourself
Impact of Research on Growth and Profitability

Class 2: Visibility through Research

The Value of Research
Identifying Your Target Audiences
Three Research Strategies
What Questions to Ask

Class 3: The Differentiated Expert

Understanding Differentiators
Creating Your Differentiators
Communicating Your Differentiators Through a Positioning Statement
Demonstrating Your Expertise

Class 4: How to Build Expert Content

What is Content Marketing?
Developing Your Content
Content Marketing and Your New Business Pipeline
Understanding Content Formats
Using Offers to Transition
Tips to Make Content Development Easier
Promoting Your Content

Class 5: The Visible Expert Website

What is a High-Performance Website?
Clear Messaging and Professional Imagery
The Importance of Responsive Design
Educational Content
Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines
Offers and Calls to Action

Class 6: The Visible Expert Marketing Toolkit

Link Building
Social Media
Speaking Engagements
Email Marketing

Class 7: Putting Your Expert Strategy to Work

Common Implementation Issues
Rethinking Your Marketing Team
Rethinking Your Business Development Team
Implementation Processes and Tips
Measuring, Tracking and Adjusting

Additional Materials:
Benchmarking Self-Assessment Worksheet
Research Worksheet
Expert Content Worksheet
Visible Expert Website Worksheet
Visible Expert Toolkit Worksheet
Expert Strategy Worksheet